19.02.2016 - UYO

We planned going to Calabar this morning. But after working an hour on Martin's bike we couldn't make it anymore. But we had a backup adress in Uyo. The 'Julius Berger Camp' was on the way.

We arrived just before night without being expected by anyone. But they welcomed us with food, drinks and a perfect place for the first night. We slept in the kindergarten on the big gymnastic mattresses - and air condition!

Next day we decided to confirm the doctor's offer making a medical check - but we are 100% helthy! For the next two nights we were housed in quite a nice accomodation next to the pool.

We used all the opportunities in the workshops preparing our bikes for the coming challanges. After the work we relaxed in their 'biker container' - all self made.

When leaving Nigeria I am very happy about all the luck we had with our accomodations. We made only great experiences here even if there are other faces in this country. We thank all of you enriching our trip so much. 

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